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A message from the management

The Suzuki Group has the motto "Develop products of superior value by focusing on the customer" in the first paragraph of its mission statement. The group will continuously strive for manufacturing of truly valuable products and service by working on a lean and efficient sound management, under compliance and with safety and quality first.

The Suzuki Group celebrated its 100th anniversary in March 2020. Over the past 100 years, we have taken on many challenges, including looms, motorcycles, automobiles, and outboard motors.
We have formulated the “Mid-term Management Plan ~“Sho-Sho-Kei-Tan-Bi”~” for the 5 years from FY2021. We are also aiming to achieve carbon neutrality under the slogan “Smaller, Fewer, Lighter, Shorter, and Neater (Sho-Sho-Kei-Tan-Bi)”, which represents the basis of Suzuki's manufacturing since its founding. Over the next five years, we will invest in growth and strengthen our management base, delivering valuable products and services, as well as steadily promoting sustainable growth and improvement of corporate value.

We will continue to aim for a Suzuki that is loved and trusted by our customers all over the world, and we look forward to your support.

Representative Director and President

Toshihiro Suzuki